Sunday, November 29, 2009

Alpha And Omega

Shout for joy and sing your praises to the king,
Lift your voice and let your hallelujah rings.

I've never thought that I would start BLOGGING again. Guess is the 'BORINGNESS' which drags me here. Never thought of what to write. So, it's going to be all bullshit from now onwards.
Agitation, Humiliation, Stupidity and so on...
What else could it be. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What goes around comes around. Learn to give and you'll be given, learn to forgive and you'll be forgiven. Ask and you shall received, seek and you shall find. The one who never dares to roll the dice will never get a 6. An auspicious start, a promising ending. A deja-vu, here we go again..
Sorry for the bullshit. Here comes my gibberish....^^
This holiday has been like a nightmare to me. All the days and all the things I do is like a routine, it never change.. I've keep repeating the same thing over and over again. It's like deja-vu all the time. I'm getting real bored and tired of this. Wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, had my breakfast, and start spending the rest of time for the day in front of the computer. Never really done something meaningful. Thought of signing up myself in a camp, but I was too lazy for that... I'm kinda 'ROT-ting'... Who can help me?
Okay, that's all for now. ^^